Zoo, Fair and Summer

It is sad that summer is over. The pool sparkles and looks inviting but is too cold, at least for me. The kids and I went to the zoo today. Ava and Ella cried and cried for a snow cone. The stupid things were $3 and that meant paying $9 total for three kids. I told them no and they cried forever. I know what you are thinking..."what spoiled brats". But no, they cried because they said, "you NEVER let us have anything." What can I say? This has been a tough year and they get get treats without treats. We go to the zoo, but you can't ride the carousel or have an icee. I buy ONE photo from the school photos, not the package. They might get to go to a play, but we have bad seats and no treat there, either. Sneaking candy and drinks into the movies or going to the drive-in where they are allowed. I know my kids are not deprived but I am sick of telling them, not this time. Not this time. Not this time. For an effing snow cone. Now the fair is here and guess what? No snow cones. Lucky you even got to come here? No. They each are taking their own five dollars that my mom gave them and are buying one treat or two if the dollars stretch that far. SO there. Nuts to you economy. Take your badness and ride outta here before I dump sticky cone juice on you.

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