Delta Fest / Fair Sept. 2010

The Delta fest/ fair was fun Sunday. The kids had a blast. We rode rides, ate junk, petted animals, saw monkeys ride dogs, and took lots of pictures. Soooo much fun. We walked until our feet hurt and we SURE did take a bath when we got home!!

During the time we where there we all ate funnel cakes, I had a chicken pita that was the bomb, Ella had a hamburger, popcorn and a snow cone, Ava had a candy apple and a snow cone, Elise had pizza and a snow cone. Frank had a hot dog....not sure if it was a footlong...or if it was a polish sausage. He gulped it down before I could see and I was talking to Julie at the time.

We paid to see the "Freak show" and most of it was pictures and mummies or stuff preserved in a jar. So gross. The poor two headed cow looked so pitiful. I hope next year they remember that they said they don't want to see that stuff again.

At the petting zoo a goat grabbed Ella's feed cup from her hand and she lost her $2 feed cup. Her sisters shared theirs with her. The Alpacas were the nicest and softest animals. Next were the little goats--so sweet.

My favorite ride is Cliff Hanger, where you lay down and it flies you around. You feel like you can fly. But only in a circle ;). Ella loved the hangliders that you sit it and we rode them a twice. She wanted to ride them again. Ella also liked the pumpkin Ferris wheel and the motorcycles,too. Ava rode everything that Ella rode and she loved the fun houses the most. It was very hot at first, but when the clouds blew in, right after we left the petting zoo, it was nice.

At 7PM Elise got picked from the crowd to be a cheerleader for one of the monkey jockeys and had to wear a banana hat and cheer. Then she got her photo made with the monkey for free. Ava decided to have hers made with the monkey, too, but Ella declined. Elise and I rode the big swings, the swinging boat and the spinning boat and the Cliff Hanger together. Suddenly it was 9pm. Frank was worried that it was going to rain so he made us leave and it took us 20 or more minutes to get to the car. It didn't rain on us but the wind and lightening was going strong.

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