What is this crap? First the freezer went out and it took forever to get fixed. I had to clean it and that took HOURS. It had molded inside and I thought I would never get it clean. Don't mention my shower. You can't use it, the walls are still torn out. Looks like a war zone in there. Now the dishwasher is acting up. Guess what? The warranty expired two months ago. I'm getting email after email that the cat's microchip service is expiring and must be paid now. Cat, dishwasher.....hmmmmmm.
The bank is calling because Frank forgot to pay the house payment when he deposited his check. How do you forget?? Then they sent me an overdraft notice. Had to deal with that. Then Ava's lunch account send me an overdraft notice. Had to deal with that. Spin the wheel MLGW and see if you get paid. So glad more work days got added to my calendar so I can try to make up for the losses but it won't cover them. We will be in the hole $600. Again. Plus any food we have to have before then! Better lick that plate clean!

My mantra has become Faith. My aunt posted this photo: Faith is the bridge that gets you from where you are to where God wants you to be. I need to go on over that bridge. I have been painting and painting.

 Hopefully I can sell some of it this weekend and then put the rest on Etsy. My Burlee Partner has been SO busy. She is awesome. So time ticks on while I try to get all this done before the weekend. Then cookie booths start...three girls and 6 booths. Whew. Soccer starts next week! Thank goodness mom paid for that. It's good to have them running like gazelles in the grass, running, running, whoops! Crashed into the goal. So better luck next month Comcast.  You lost the spin this month.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, I had no idea you had a blog. You're just as funny here as you are in "real" life. So glad I stopped by!
